Our Headquarters – In the Heart of Germany and Europe, on the Outskirts of the Renowned University City of Würzburg
Our solutions can be found all over the world, but we are at home in Bavaria, more precisely in Höchberg by Würzburg. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Horst Peter Wölfel founded the company here in 1971. With over 150 employees, we are located in the Höchberg HITech Center since 2000. From here, we also support our colleagues in the branch offices.
Branch Offices
The Wölfel Group in Berlin – Experts in Immission Control and Structural Dyanamics
Increasing density in inner cities, construction projects affected by vibrations, increased resident participation, increased noise protection requirements – all this requires the involvement of experts in planning and construction. With over 50 years of experience in the fields of acoustics, immission control and building physics, Wölfel is a competent partner for building owners, project sponsors as well as municipalities and offers customized solutions.
The service portfolio of the Berlin office:
- Noise control
- Building acoustics and room acoustics
- Thermal building physics
- Air pollution
- Vibration measurement and other services relating to vibration control
- Construction noise and vibrations
- Measuring body according to § 29b BlmSchG
- VMPA acoustic testing center
Hauptstraße 117
10827 Berlin
The Wölfel Group in Hamburg – Experts for Wind Energy, Immission Control and Structural Dynamics
Wind energy plays a special role in the North, not only because of its proximity to the North Sea and the Baltic Sea: the national ranking for the highest total output is traditionally led by the North German states. With our branch office in Hamburg, we have been working directly on site since 2014 and offer professional services and system solutions to increase yield, extend service life and optimize inspections. A further focus of this branch office is inner-city construction.
The service portfolio of the Hamburg office:
- Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of wind turbines
- Sound emission measurements and measurements for acceptance tests according to IEC 61400-11 and FGW guideline
- Sound source localization with the acoustic camera
- Vibration measurement and other services relating to vibration control
Willy-Brandt-Straße 57
20457 Hamburg
The Wölfel Group in Ulm and Kempten – Experts for Immission Control and Structural Dynamics
Building and living space has become scarce not only in large cities like Munich or Stuttgart. For this reason, more and more properties have to be developed that were not previously considered for this purpose due to increased vibration levels or excessive noise pollution. This requires the involvement of experts in planning and construction. Wölfel has been working intensively on the challenge of "building in inner-city areas" for over 40 years. Thanks to our branch offices in Ulm and Kempten, we are able to carry out projects efficiently and flexibly in southern Germany.
The service portfolio of the Ulm and Kempten offices:
- Building acoustics und and room acoustics
- Noise control
- Thermal building physics
- Vibration measurement and other services relating to vibration control
Lise-Meitner-Str. 9
89081 Ulm
Heisinger Str. 12
87437 Kempten
The Wölfel Group in Leipzig – Experts for Structural Health Monitoring, Vibration Measurements, Vibration Prognoses and more
Leipzig is growing and growing and construction is underway in many places – the city is popular and was not given the nickname "Hypezig" for nothing. Since 2022, Wölfel has also been represented in the West Saxon metropolis with its expertise in all aspects of structural dynamics. Another major field of expertise of the Wölfel colleagues in Leipzig is Structural Health Monitoring of wind turbines – this way we are close to the huge wind farms in Eastern Germany in order to optimize the lifetime of the turbines and enable their operators to achieve higher yields.
The service portfolio of the Leipzig office:
- Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of wind turbines
- Vibration measurement and other services relating to vibration control
Emilienstraße 15
04107 Leipzig
Please contact us personally
We are happy to advise you on the range of systems and services in our branch offices.
Sebastian Ibbeken
Branch Office Manager Berlin
+49 30 390318-50
Contact form
Geophysics at the FU, Freie Universität Berlin
Graduate geophysicist
Solving difficult tasks in a pragmatic and goal-oriented way.
The variety of tasks and their innovative processing.
Bernd Wölfel
Branch Office Manager Hamburg
+49 40 524715-266
Contact form
Civil Engineering, TU Berlin
WAB e.V.
"Paths are created by walking them." (Franz Kafka)
Working independently in a flexible, highly innovative company that makes a little contribution to the energy transition.
Lorenz Herrmann
Branch Office Manager Ulm und Kempten
+49 731 8507425-1
Contact form
Physics, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Graduate physicist
Member of the Building and Room Acoustics Expert Committee
Member of DEGA
It is always too early to give up.
Self-determined work in a friendly environment reliably delivers high-quality results.
Ivan Dolbonosov
Branch Office Manager Leipzig
+49 931 49708-487
Contact form
Civil Engineering, HTWK Leipzig
Nothing's impossible.
My colleagues
Geophysics at the FU, Freie Universität Berlin
Graduate geophysicist
Solving difficult tasks in a pragmatic and goal-oriented way.
The variety of tasks and their innovative processing.
Civil Engineering, TU Berlin
WAB e.V.
"Paths are created by walking them." (Franz Kafka)
Working independently in a flexible, highly innovative company that makes a little contribution to the energy transition.
Physics, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Graduate physicist
Member of the Building and Room Acoustics Expert Committee
Member of DEGA
It is always too early to give up.
Self-determined work in a friendly environment reliably delivers high-quality results.
Civil Engineering, HTWK Leipzig
Nothing's impossible.
My colleagues