Structural Health Monitoring Systems (SHMS) will reduce Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE)

An inspection strategy, which is based on the deep knowledge of the structural integrity of your assets, enables and ensures the necessary cost reductions especially in offshore wind industry. The optimized evaluation process of the windfarm allows to switch from periodic to conditioned based inspections and further on extend the liftetime of your wind turbines:

Of the annual operating costs, approximately 4,500 euros per MW are spent on underwater and tower inspections. From our experience, these inspection costs can be reduced by 50 percent. Furthermore, the use of SHMS makes it possible to objectively achieve a lifetime extension of around 4-8 years. The investment costs are thus spread over a 20 percent longer period of use, which significantly reduces the levelized cost of energy (LCOE).

"A [...] route to reduce OPEX, and subsequently LCOE, is through the optimisation of the inspection and maintenance strategies. This optimisation is carried out by switching periodic or risk-based inspection regimes to a condition-based regime. In order to do so, periodic inspections can be postponed or directly taken out of the scope of works whenever the condition of the assets is proven to be appropriate. SHMS are currently the best approach to gain confidence in the assets’ integrity without actually deploying offshore."

(Source: Martinez-Luengo, M.; Shafiee, M.: Guidelines and Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Structural Health Monitoring Implementation in Offshore Wind Turbine Support Structures. Energies 2019, 12(6), 1176;

In our interactive calculation tool, you will discover your individual potential for cost savings and lifetime extension by implementing SHMS. All incurred costs are included except unscheduled activities.


By moving the black dots you can calculate the reduction of your individual Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE):

4.9 %*
WACC real
50 %
Potential reduction of inspection costs due to SHM

Please contact us personally


We would be pleased to support you in solving your problem concerning "Wind turbine vibrations" and advise you on questions regarding our system and service offerings in the areas of structural health monitoring, vibration reduction, sound and noise as well as structural design.

Timo Klaas

+49 40 524715-265
Contact form


Industrial engineering in dual study programme, Osnabrück University of Cooperative Education

Academic Degree

Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)

Professional Motto

Let the wind do its job!

Working at Wölfel

A family business of colleagues with such deep expertise that we can work at eye level with the leading international OEMs in the wind industry.

Very broad field of work with the opportunity to tackle and implement things.

Great colleagues with fun and joy.

Cool location in Hamburg :-)

Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Wölfel


Civil Engineering, TU Berlin

Academic Degree


Committee Activity

WAB e.V.

Professional Motto

"Paths are created by walking them." (Franz Kafka)


Working at Wölfel

Working independently in a flexible, highly innovative company that makes a little contribution to the energy transition.

Foto von Alexander Jorewitz

M.Sc. Alexander Jorewitz


Sales Engineering and Product Management, Ruhr University Bochum

Academic Degree

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Working at Wölfel

The collegial, friendly, and fair interactions, the unwavering helpfulness of all colleagues, and the genuine sense of working together towards a common goal. Additionally, the strong company know-how and immense variety naturally foster joy in the work.

Personalbild von Fionn Hamann

B. Sc. Fionn Hamann


Wirtschaftsingenieur an der FH Westküste in Heide

Academic Degree

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Professional Motto

"The secret of success is to do the common thing uncommonly well." – John D. Rockefeller Jr.

Working at Wölfel

Working in an innovative company that works together to develop solutions for a sustainable future. As a young professional, I particularly appreciate the friendly and helpful colleagues. Wölfel also offers a varied working environment in which exciting projects are designed and successfully implemented together with the customer.


Industrial engineering in dual study programme, Osnabrück University of Cooperative Education

Academic Degree

Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)

Professional Motto

Let the wind do its job!

Working at Wölfel

A family business of colleagues with such deep expertise that we can work at eye level with the leading international OEMs in the wind industry.

Very broad field of work with the opportunity to tackle and implement things.

Great colleagues with fun and joy.

Cool location in Hamburg :-)


Civil Engineering, TU Berlin

Academic Degree


Committee Activity

WAB e.V.

Professional Motto

"Paths are created by walking them." (Franz Kafka)


Working at Wölfel

Working independently in a flexible, highly innovative company that makes a little contribution to the energy transition.


Sales Engineering and Product Management, Ruhr University Bochum

Academic Degree

Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Working at Wölfel

The collegial, friendly, and fair interactions, the unwavering helpfulness of all colleagues, and the genuine sense of working together towards a common goal. Additionally, the strong company know-how and immense variety naturally foster joy in the work.


Wirtschaftsingenieur an der FH Westküste in Heide

Academic Degree

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Professional Motto

"The secret of success is to do the common thing uncommonly well." – John D. Rockefeller Jr.

Working at Wölfel

Working in an innovative company that works together to develop solutions for a sustainable future. As a young professional, I particularly appreciate the friendly and helpful colleagues. Wölfel also offers a varied working environment in which exciting projects are designed and successfully implemented together with the customer.