Noise Control and Vibration Protection in and around Rail Transportation

Construction projects in difficult areas are becoming more common nowadays, especially where the need for densification and the demand for convenient and environmentally friendly mobility intersect. Whether you are building new structures closer to existing railway tracks (>> Learn more) or constructing new railway routes in close proximity to existing buildings (>> Learn more) – these types of projects come with unique challenges.

Drawing on decades of experience in noise control and vibration protection, we offer comprehensive services that include measurement, prognosis, assessment, and mitigation – as a complete package or as individually tailored solutions to meet your specific requirements.

Noise and vibration protection for construction projects near railway tracks: Ensuring a high quality of living or working environment in new buildings and protecting the investment from damage

Whether in immediate proximity to railway tracks...

  • a completely new construction area is developed,
  • an already existing building area is to be extended or
  • an existing building is to be renovated,

Noise and vibration protection must be a central component of construction (management) planning for such projects.

A comprehensive acoustic design is necessary from the outset to minimize the impact of noise and vibrations while considering cost-effectiveness. At a minimum, the threshold values defined in the applicable norms and guidelines must be adhered to. If this guarantee cannot be provided, proactive mitigation measures must be developed and implemented, as retroactive measures often incur high costs.

Noise and vibration protection during railway construction in residential areas: safeguarding residents and building in the immediate vicinity and ensuring planning and legal compliance for construction authorities

When new railway tracks are planned in developed areas, residents understandably have significant concerns regarding noise pollution. Conversely, construction authorities and operators face potential legal consequences and high costs for retrofitting mitigation measures if threshold values are exceeded. In these cases, noise and vibration protection play a crucial role in two aspects:

  • Immission conflicts regarding sound and vibration protection must be analyzed prior to the construction measures. Through emissions and propagation measurements, as well as determining vibration spread within the building, corridor boundaries of affected areas can be determined. Refining predictions and determining protective and mitigation measures can be achieved through detailed investigations on reference buildings.
  • Comprehensive construction site monitoring is necessary during the construction measures to ensure compliance with all norms and guidelines. This helps prevent excessive disturbance to residents and protects buildings in the immediate vicinity from damages. Additionally, it enables the provision of legal proof for these measures.
  • Vibration and noise predictions also guarantee the adherence to all limits even after commissioning. In the event of (potential) exceedance, the focus is on developing the best possible mitigation measures. Prioritizing the protection of residents and buildings, we also remain mindful of cost-effectiveness.

Our service portfolio in the field of noise control

  • Prediction calculations of noise impact in the vicinity of railway tracks during construction and in existing infrastructure
  • Design of structural noise control measures for buildings located along railway tracks
  • Acoustic consultancy during sound-related urban land use planning procedures 
  • Acoustic assistance during sound-related approval and permitting procedures

Our service portfolio in the field of vibration protection

  • Vibration predictions for assessing the anticipated vibration effects (on humans, buildings, and machinery) related to railway infrastructure projects
  • Identification of emission conflicts and affected areas
  • Development of protection concepts to prevent and reduce vibrations
  • Vibration monitoring to oversee and document vibration levels

Relevant standards and guidelines in noise and vibration protection (selection)

In projects for our clients, including railway companies, municipalities, local authorities, as well as project and/or construction developers, we regularly work according to the following standards and guidelines:

  • DIN 4150 - Vibrations in civil engineering, Part 2: Effects on persons in buildings, Part 3: Effects on structures
  • DIN 18005 – Sound insulation in urban planning 
  • DIN 4109 – Sound insulation in buildings
  • DIN 45669 – Measurement of vibration immissions 
  • DIN 45672 – Vibration measurement associated with railway traffic systems 
  • VDI 3837 – Ground-borne vibration in the vicinity of at-grade rail systems; Spectral prediction method
  • Ril 280.2050 – Vibration and secondary airborne sound
  • 16. BImSchV – Traffic Noise Ordinance (including Annex 2: Sound 03)
  • AVV Baulärm (Construction noise guidelines)

Please contact us personally


We will be happy to advise you on all matters related to noise and vibration protection in connection with construction projects in and around railway transportation.

Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Höhne-Mönch
Noise Control



Academic Degree

Doctorate/Dr. rer. nat.

Committee Activity

DIN Standards Committee 005-55-70 AA Sound insulation in urban development


Working at Wölfel

The varied work. No day is like the other.

Dr.-Ing. Arthur Feldbusch
Vibration Protection


Civil Engineering, Kaiserslautern University of Technology

Academic Degree

Dr.-Ing. (or Dipl.-Ing.)

Committee Activity

DGEB membership


Working at Wölfel

Collegial cooperation

Interdisciplinary working environment

Merging of know-how from several generations (many years of professional experience & youthful drive)



Academic Degree

Doctorate/Dr. rer. nat.

Committee Activity

DIN Standards Committee 005-55-70 AA Sound insulation in urban development


Working at Wölfel

The varied work. No day is like the other.


Civil Engineering, Kaiserslautern University of Technology

Academic Degree

Dr.-Ing. (or Dipl.-Ing.)

Committee Activity

DGEB membership


Working at Wölfel

Collegial cooperation

Interdisciplinary working environment

Merging of know-how from several generations (many years of professional experience & youthful drive)