Case Studies, White Paper & Co.

Case Study "Structural Assessment of a nuclear facility for operation and seismic loads" 303.26 KB
Case Study "Structural Assessment of a nuclear facility for operation and seismic loads"

For a facility in the ‘front end’ of the nuclear fuel cycle located in France the structural assessment of steelwork and pipework systems located on a seismic slab for operation and seismic loads including basic and detail design is performed.

Case Study "Re-analysis of NPP buildings" 371.15 KB
Case Study "Re-analysis of NPP buildings"

For two NPP sites several buildings, analysed in the 1980s with stick models and simple spring-dampersoil models were re-analysed because of changed input parameters (new earthquake definitions, soil data, …) using 3D-FE-models combined with sophisticated soil-structure-interaction models (SASSI).

Case Study "KARISMA Benchmark, Reactor Building" 506.16 KB
Case Study "KARISMA Benchmark, Reactor Building"

On 16 July 2007, a strong earthquake, the Niigataken-chuetsu-oki earthquake (NCOE) affected the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Station, the biggest nuclear power plant in the world, located at about 16 km from the epicenter. The large amount of observations and data collected led to the organization of the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Research Initiative for Seismic Margin Assessment (KARISMA). Woelfel Beratende Ingenieure (Woelfel), Hoechberg, Germany was active during all three phases of the KARISMA Benchmark, starting with the generation and verification of the Finite Element (FE) model of the reactor building in Phase I.

Case Study "Seismic Instrumentation" 355.92 KB
Case Study "Seismic Instrumentation"

In an LNG terminal, which was built in a region with high seismic risk, continuous earthquake monitoring of the storage vessels and plant components had to be ensured. Furthermore, it had to be ensured that in case of an earthquake, appropriate messages
are displayed in the control room and measures for personal and plant protection are automatically initiated.

Case Study "TMD.Pipe Solves Vibration Problem" 169.58 KB
Case Study "TMD.Pipe Solves Vibration Problem"

In a natural gas plant pipe vibrations caused serious problems during commissioning. The installation of tuned mass dampers not only reduced vibrations to a minimum but also allows the plant operation run most effectively.

Please contact me personally


I will be happy to advise you on questions concerning the design of plants and components for operational and special loads

Dr.-Ing. Marcus Ries

+49 931 49708-370
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Mechanical Engineering, TU Darmstadt

Acadamic Degree

Dipl.-Ing. / Dr.-Ing