Technical Noise Control – We measure noise emissions and develop noise reduction measures

Technical processes involve acoustic phenomena. Therefore, sound power measurements or sound radiation localization or optimization may be necessary. Due to our many years of experience, we have become specialists in the fields of acoustics and structural mechanics, using latest measurement technology.

Our services in the field of technical acoustics

  • Measurement of noise emission according to DIN EN ISO 3744, 3745 and 3746
  • Analysis based on measurement technology, using the acoustic camera
  • Localization of sound sources
  • Development of noise reducing measures
  • Measurement of structure-borne noise and simulation of structural vibrations
  • Acoustic optimization of machinery
  • Measurement of sound absorption coefficient, specific wall impedance and reflection factor according to DIN EN ISO 10534-2

In addition, we also deal with occupational safety and health, particularly with regard to noise abatement at workplaces. The latter involves noise reduction in workrooms by taking measures at the source, setting up noise barriers and designing interior structures for sound absorption purposes. The field of occupational safety and health also includes the propagation of sound in workrooms. Determining sound decay curves by calculation and measurement based on VDI 3760 is an appropriate method to check whether the sound-engineering requirements in terms of occupational safety and health in factory workrooms are met and if yes to which extent.

Please contact us personally


I am happy to advise you on questions regarding noise, air pollutants and vibrations.

Dipl.-Ing. Janosch Blaul

+49 931 49708-235
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