Noise Mapping and Noise Action Planning According to the Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC

According to the Environmental Noise Directive (Directive 2002/49/EC), the competent authorities have to determine, visualize and evaluate the current noise situation for agglomerations, major roads, major railroads and major airports. According to § 5 para. 1 of the Noise Mapping Ordinance (34th BImSchV), the exposure is not measured but calculated with the help of validated methods  once for the whole day (24 hours, LDEN) and once for the night (LNight). The results are displayed in different colors in so-called noise maps, so that it is clear at first glance where limit values are exceeded. Such noise maps must be prepared separately for each of the individual noise types  road, rail, air traffic and industrial noise  and reviewed at regular intervals or revised as necessary.

On the basis of these noise maps, strategies and measures for noise reduction/noise control and the protection of quiet areas are then developed with the participation of the public. With the help of these noise action plans, “noise hot spots”  areas in which the quality of life and health of the residents are impaired  are to be avoided. The results can also be incorporated into urban planning.

Our service portfolio in the field of noise mapping and noise action planning

We have many years of experience in noise mapping according to the Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC for road traffic noise, rail traffic noise, industrial noise and aircraft noise

  • in Germany, in accordance with the requirements of the Noise Mapping Ordinance (34th BImSchV) in conjunction with § 47 BImSchG according to the current calculation regulations BUB, BEB and BUF
  • EU-wide according to national regulations.

We advise state authorities, municipalities and metropolitan areas on the procurement of input data, create calculation models, calculate noise maps/pollution and support you in reporting to the EU and in coordination with the public authorities.

As part of the noise action planning, we determine the focus of exposure, develop approvable reduction concepts in close cooperation with the planning committees, demonstrate the effectiveness of measures and plan quiet areas.

Please contact us personally


We are happy to advise you on questions regarding noise, air pollutants and vibrations.

Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Höhne-Mönch



Academic Degree

Doctorate/Dr. rer. nat.

Committee Activity

DIN Standards Committee 005-55-70 AA Sound insulation in urban development


Working at Wölfel

The varied work. No day is like the other.

Dipl.-Geophys. Sebastian Ibbeken


Geophysics at the FU, Freie Universität Berlin

Academic Degree

Graduate geophysicist

Professional Motto

Solving difficult tasks in a pragmatic and goal-oriented way.

Working at Wölfel

The variety of tasks and their innovative processing.



Academic Degree

Doctorate/Dr. rer. nat.

Committee Activity

DIN Standards Committee 005-55-70 AA Sound insulation in urban development


Working at Wölfel

The varied work. No day is like the other.


Geophysics at the FU, Freie Universität Berlin

Academic Degree

Graduate geophysicist

Professional Motto

Solving difficult tasks in a pragmatic and goal-oriented way.

Working at Wölfel

The variety of tasks and their innovative processing.