Optimized Motion Sequences through Design of the Kinematics
From simple wheel suspensions to robot delta kinematics and other high-tech products - the motion sequence of kinematic systems can be analyzed in the early development phases using a virtual MBS model. In this way, a large number of different kinematic systems can be tested and compared with each other in a short computing time. The products can thus be optimized, for example, in terms of efficiency, service life and production and maintenance costs.
The focus of the kinematic analysis is to examine and optimize the movement itself. Deformations of the body itself are usually not yet considered in this preliminary analysis, but can be investigated in the later development step Dynamics.
By analyzing the component dynamics with respect to position, velocity and acceleration, critical operating states can be identified. With this knowledge, either the operating parameters or the kinematics can be adjusted accordingly to avoid excessive loading and thus prevent damage.
I am happy to support you with numerical simulations and advise you on the development, optimization and automation of your simulation processes.
Maschinenbau, TU Darmstadt
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