Immission Control in the Field of Traffic Noise

Caused by cars, trucks, trains and airplanes, traffic noise has long been one of the biggest problems in immission control, especially in conurbations. According to a survey conducted by the Federal Environment Agency in 2018, 75 percent of the German population feels disturbed or annoyed by road traffic noise, 42 percent by air traffic noise and 35 percent by rail traffic noise. In addition to the declining quality of life, there are also health risks. Permanently high levels of exposure can lead to cardiovascular diseases, for example.


There are different regulations and guidelines for the different types of traffic noise. For example, the immission limits laid down in the Traffic Noise Protection Ordinance (16th BImSchG) must be observed during the construction and major alterations of existing roads and railroads. Existing traffic routes are not covered by this. Nevertheless, noise abatement programs are available in many places.

Protection against traffic noise starts with the individual and on a small scale. However, in order to significantly reduce noise pollution, various measures must be combined. As a rule, the first step is to avoid noise sources. If this is not possible, it is examined whether the noise source can be shifted in time or space. Then, measures to reduce the noise  such as lower speeds  have to be developed. The final step is to take compensatory measures for those affected. These include noise protection windows or compensation.

Our service portfolio in the field of traffic noise: We provide noise forecasts and calculations as well as noise immission reports for road, rail and aircraft noise

We get to the bottom of traffic noise by making noise and noise sources visible. Based on this, we develop effective measures for noise reduction.

Calculation of road traffic noise according to RLS-19

Since 2019, a revised calculation rule has been available for road traffic noise, which, among other things, takes into account new, low-noise surface layer and better reflects today's noise pollution. We have been waiting a long time for this, so that we can now calculate the noise even more accurately.

Calculation of rail traffic noise according to Schall 03

Since 2015, rail traffic noise has been calculated according to the revised Schall 03. In view of the significantly higher noise levels we are now faced with, we are obliged to plan considerably better noise protection measures  we are well prepared for this.

Calculation of aircraft noise

We calculate aircraft noise according to national and international regulations:

  • Aircraft noise protection zones according to the Aircraft Noise Act (AzB/AzD)
  • Noise maps according to EU Environmental Noise Directive (BUF) and European Directives (ECAC. CEAC. Doc. 29)
  • Noise pollution at landing sites and special landing areas (helicopters) according to DIN 45684 and the instructions of the German State Committee for Immission Control (LAI)

In addition, we optimize flight routes according to noise pollution criteria as a basis for assessment procedures and have extensive experience in the field of aircraft noise monitoring.

Wölfel was also involved in the Federal Environmental Agency's research project "Evaluation of Flight Routes under Noise Impact Aspects". Together with the partners Lärmkontor, OTSD and konsalt a procedure for the noise impact assessment of flight routes was developed. Read the final report on the website of the German Federal Environmental Agency.

Please contact us personally


We are happy to advise you on questions regarding noise, air pollutants and vibrations.

Dr. rer. nat. Daniel Höhne-Mönch



Academic Degree

Doctorate/Dr. rer. nat.

Committee Activity

DIN Standards Committee 005-55-70 AA Sound insulation in urban development


Working at Wölfel

The varied work. No day is like the other.

Dipl.-Geophys. Sebastian Ibbeken


Geophysics at the FU, Freie Universität Berlin

Academic Degree

Graduate geophysicist

Professional Motto

Solving difficult tasks in a pragmatic and goal-oriented way.

Working at Wölfel

The variety of tasks and their innovative processing.



Academic Degree

Doctorate/Dr. rer. nat.

Committee Activity

DIN Standards Committee 005-55-70 AA Sound insulation in urban development


Working at Wölfel

The varied work. No day is like the other.


Geophysics at the FU, Freie Universität Berlin

Academic Degree

Graduate geophysicist

Professional Motto

Solving difficult tasks in a pragmatic and goal-oriented way.

Working at Wölfel

The variety of tasks and their innovative processing.