Calculation, Design and Suggestions for the Refurbishment of Bell Towers
Only swinging bells create a resonant and musical sound. However, swinging bells transmit considerable forces into the towers, which are often close to the towers’ natural frequencies and thus cause excessive dynamic stress.
Ringing of bells, which is close to the resonance, can cause damage over the years and decades. Structural dynamic analyses of existing towers are therefore recommended if structural damage already exists, if strong tower movements are observed or if a tower is to be provided with new bells or a new peal.
We provide consulting services on all these issues. As a result of our analyses and interpretations we prepare data sheets that allow immediate further processing by the bell founder or the structural engineer. We also carry out analyses of the sound of bells including determination of the partial tones and their decay behavior.

- Survey of the dynamic properties of the tower and the excitation by the peal of bells, particularly with regard to existing tower vibrations or damage
- With regard to bell ringing music and structural dynamics aspects: design of an optimized harmonization of the peal of bells to the tower and indication of all necessary measures as well as of all forces that have to be transferred
- Concept for the refurbishment of tower and bell supporting structure including construction and analysis
Alignment of the ringing with the tower according to the bell’s musical as well as structural and dynamic aspects
(Support of) structural design of tower and bell structure, construction, calculation and verification
Preparation of the dynamic proof according to DIN 4178 for new tower constructions
The advantages at a glance:

Diversity of the sciences
We have (civil) engineers,
mathematicians and physicists
working on your project.

Personal connection
A permanent project engineer
is always available as a contact
person for you

On the pulse of technology
As a sales partner for software
and measurement technology, we
have direct lines to the suppliers
Please contact us personally
We are happy to advise you in the first step without obligation on all questions relating to the calculation, design as well as renovation of bell towers – write to us, call us or make a personal appointment.
Civil Engineering (Bachelor), University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt
Civil Engineering, specialisation "Numerical Methods of Structural Analysis" (Master), University of Kassel
Guest at the Working Group 1.4 Soil Dynamics of the DGGT (German Society for Geotechnics)
Guest at the Expert Committee for Blasting Technology of the Deutschen Abbruchverband e.V. (German Demolition Association)
Civil Engineering
Member of the Building Physics Expert Committee of the Würzburg-Schweinfurt Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Lecturer for Building Dynamics at the University of Applied Sciences WÜ-SW
"serve the people"
Collegial cohesion
Civil Engineering (Bachelor), University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt
Civil Engineering, specialisation "Numerical Methods of Structural Analysis" (Master), University of Kassel
Guest at the Working Group 1.4 Soil Dynamics of the DGGT (German Society for Geotechnics)
Guest at the Expert Committee for Blasting Technology of the Deutschen Abbruchverband e.V. (German Demolition Association)
Civil Engineering
Member of the Building Physics Expert Committee of the Würzburg-Schweinfurt Chamber of Industry and Commerce
Lecturer for Building Dynamics at the University of Applied Sciences WÜ-SW
"serve the people"
Collegial cohesion