Please contact us personally


We will be happy to answer your questions about our events.

Annemarie Goldbecker


Advertising Specialist, Bavarian Academy of Advertising (BAW)

Academic Degree

Advertising specialist (BAW)

Professional Motto

“He who acts where others talk gets ahead in life“. (John F. Kennedy)


Working at Wölfel

I'm inspired by the lovely colleagues around me, that every day looks different and that I have to deal with so many different people.

Mona Stahl

+49 931 49708-519
Contact form


Certified Translator and Interpreter - IFA, Erlangen, Germany
Marketing and Sales Management - Instituto Superior de Marketing, Barcelona

Academic Degree

State-certified translator and interpreter for the Spanish language
Master Marketing and Sales Management

Professional Motto

"If you start the day with a smile, you've already won it."


Working at Wölfel

No day is like the other, the team is great, I enjoy going to the office every day and have fun at work.


Advertising Specialist, Bavarian Academy of Advertising (BAW)

Academic Degree

Advertising specialist (BAW)

Professional Motto

“He who acts where others talk gets ahead in life“. (John F. Kennedy)


Working at Wölfel

I'm inspired by the lovely colleagues around me, that every day looks different and that I have to deal with so many different people.


Certified Translator and Interpreter - IFA, Erlangen, Germany
Marketing and Sales Management - Instituto Superior de Marketing, Barcelona

Academic Degree

State-certified translator and interpreter for the Spanish language
Master Marketing and Sales Management

Professional Motto

"If you start the day with a smile, you've already won it."


Working at Wölfel

No day is like the other, the team is great, I enjoy going to the office every day and have fun at work.