We ask you to complete this form by February 9, 2024. The information you provide (presentation title, description/keywords, authors and co-authors) will be included in the conference programme and are binding.

Personal Data of the Speaker
Company Data
Invoice Details (if different)
Co-Authors (max. 2)
If co-authors are to be listed in the program, we require the following information:
Academic title/degree, first name, last name, company incl. its legal form, job title, city, tel., email.
Final Title of Presentation *
Please enter the final title of the presentation and subtitle, if applicable, without mentioning the company name or product name.
For a short description of your contribution in the conference program, we require 3-4 key points on the content of the presentation, including a brief description of the main points of the presentation (for editorial reasons, we reserve the right to shorten the key points).


  • Speaking Time: 20 minutes speaking time and 10 minutes discussion
  • Language: The presentations are to be hold in English

Please email the presentation slides no later than May 30, 2024 to stahl@woelfel.de. We would like to offer the presentation slides for download to the participants after the conference. For this purpose, you will receive the form "Transfer of publication rights" via Email.



Presenting authors are automatically registered for the conference. A separate registration is not necessary. Other persons, e.g. co-authors, can register with the registration form of the event according to the regular participation conditions.


Please refer to our general data protection policy.