Wind turbines are highly dynamic systems subjected to various loads. Vibrations occurring in rotor blades, drive systems, and towers have an important impact on the operation, lifetime, and reliability of the entire turbine and its foundation. Optimal design and continuous monitoring of the system are crucial for efficient and cost-effective operation. The Symposium provides an opportunity to inform about innovative solutions and best practices to further enhance the quality and efficiency of wind energy systems.
The program committee, led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Kraemer, has curated an insightful lecture program around the following four key topics:
- Simulation and analysis of dynamic behavior
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Condition Monitoring and SHM / Non-Destructive-Testing
- Measures for vibration and load reduction
Look forward to keynotes from Prof. Dongsheng Li of Shantou University and Dr.-Ing. Falk Lüddecke of Jörss-Blunck-Ordemann GmbH. In addition to contributions from other leading companies and research institutions, we invite you to continue the valuable exchange of experiences on the first evening with a breathtaking panoramic view over Hamburg.
June 13 & 14, 2024
Empire Riverside Hotel
Bernhard-Nocht-Str. 97
20359 Hamburg
Participation Fee:
€ 800,– plus VAT
Registration Deadline:
two weeks before the event
12:00 | Registration and Business-Lunch-Buffet |
13:00 | Welcome and Opening Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Kraemer, Head of Chair for Mechanics with Focus on Structural Health Monitoring, University of Siegen |
13:15 | Key Note: Tower thrust and bending moment identification of an operating 2.5 MW wind turbine with accelerator and satellite positioning data
Prof. Dongsheng Li, Civil Engineering and Smart Construction, Shantou University |
14:00 | Powertrain-Integrated Technologies for Effective Tonality Mitigation
Alexander Kari, Business Development Manager, Stephan Lange, Manager R&D Vdamp, Geislinger GmbH, Hallwang/Salzburg, Martin Cardaun, Chair for Wind Power Drives, Group Lead Plant Design, RWTH Aachen University |
14:30 | On Wind Turbine Models for Drivetrain Vibration Simulation: Implementation and Comparison with Field Test Data
M.Sc. Paul Feja, Group Manager Test and Method Development, M.Sc. Muhammad Omer Siddiqui, Research Associate, Fraunhofer IWES, Bremerhaven |
15:00 | Influence of Powertrain, Wind Turbine and Measurement Spread on Gear-Excitation Induced Tonality
Philip Becht, Lead Noise and Vibration Engineer, Sebastian Schmidt, Team Lead NVH & Loads, Benjamin Marrant, Senior Technology Engineer, ZF Wind Power Antwerpen NV, Lommel/Lohr am Main |
15:30 | Wind Turbine Blade Motion Estimation: Integrating Low Cost IMUs with Sensor Fusion Techniques
Till Pitzke, Project Student, ETH Zürich / Institute of Strucutural Engineering / Chair of Structural Mechanics and Monitoring, Ph. D. Imad Abdallah, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, Zürich, Ph.D. Julien Deparday, OST - Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, Rapperswil-Jona |
16:00 | Coffee Break |
16:30 | Using Deep Learning to Identify Drivetrain Deflection Shapes Causing Tonalities in Radiated Sound
Dr. Kilian Schulze-Forster, Development Engineer, Dr.-Ing. Philipp Zech, Head of Development Vibration Control Solutions, Dr.-Ing. Manuel Eckstein, Engineering Director, Wölfel Engineering GmbH & Co. KG, Höchberg |
17:00 | Framework for Developing AI-Driven Image Analysis Systems for the Wind Energy Industry
Dr. Lars Osterbrink, AI Developer, Dr. Thomas Driebe, AI Developer, Daniel Hein, Business Administrator, Adoxin UG, Hamburg/Marburg |
17:30 | Rolling Element Bearing Fault Detection Based on Pretraining of Deep Neural Networks to Address the Challenge of Data Scarcity
M.Sc. Jessica Selina Ochs, Research Assistant, Technische Hochschule Lübeck |
18:00 | Wrap Up Day 1 & End of Day 1 |
Evening Event | |
19:00 | Round Table Exchange with Conference Board Members |
20:00 | Get-together with dinner |
8:30 | Welcome with Coffee Selection |
9:00 | Key Note: Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation - Overview and Design Challenges due Vibratory Effects
Dr.-Ing. Falk Lüddecke, CEO, Jörss–Blunck-Ordemann GmbH, Hamburg |
9:45 | Experiences from In-Situ Monitoring of (Offshore) Wind Turbines - from Sensor Installation to Data Driven Modelling of the Dynamical Behavior
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Kraemer, Head of Chair for Mechanics with Focus on Structural Health Monitoring, Marcel Wiemann, Jonas Kappel, Lukas Bonekemper, University of Siegen, Herbert Friedmann, Wölfel Engineering GmbH & Co. KG, Höchberg, Holger Huhn, WindMW Service GmbH, Bremerhaven |
10:15 | Coffee Break |
10:45 | Laser Doppler Vibrometry of Moving Rotor Blades of Wind Turbines
Dr. Ilja Kaufmann, Research Associate, Project Manager, Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Ecploitation IOSB, Ettlingen,Thole Horstmann, Research Associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES, Bremen, Holger Nawrocki, CEO, Nawrocki Alpin GmbH, Berlin |
11:15 | A Sensor for Every Turbine; Enabling Fleetwide Fatigue Load Monitoring and Structural Health Monitoring
Dr.Ir. Wout Weijtjens, Senior Researcher, Prof. Dr. Christof Devriendt, Head of research, OWILab, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Dr. Nymfa Noppe, Service manager, 24SEA BVBA, Brussels |
11:45 | Online Monitoring of Offshore-Converter- Platforms in the North-Sea
DI Peter Furtner, Authorized Representative and Shareholder, Martin Stöger, Head of Department SHM, VCE Vienna Consulting Engineers ZT GmbH, Wien, Dr.-Ing. Elmar Wisotzki, Tennet TSO GmbH |
12:15 | Business Lunch |
Measures for vibration and load reduction | |
13:15 | Pitchsystem Dynamics and Interaction with Pitch Gear Wear (Golden Tooth) and Blade Bearing Race Way Life Time
Dr.-Ing. Samer Mtauweg, Managing Partner Product Development, MML Solutions GmbH, Wesel |
13:45 | Video-Based Vibration Check – a Cost-Effective and Simple Way to Detect Rotor Imbalance
Dr.-Ing. Christoph Heilmann, Head of R&D, M. Eng. Martin Peters, Head of Measurement Technology, Green Wind Engineering GmbH, Berlin |
14:15 | Vibration Control in the Cylinder Holder Section of the Hydraulic Pitch System using a Magnetorheological Damper in a Wind Turbine
Dr. Josué Enríquez-Zárate, CEO-Researcher, A. Cabrera Amado, L. Toledo Sesma, AP Engineering Innovación Tecnológica en Energías S.A. de C.V., Ixtepec, Oaxaca |
14:45 | Wrap Up Day 2 & End of Conference |
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Kontaktieren Sie uns gerne persönlich
I will be happy to answer your questions regarding the Symposium "Vibration of Wind Turbines" 2024.
Mona Stahl
+49 931 49708-519
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